Nancy Korroch

Important Update: Nancy Korroch is now part of the team at MK Wound and Limb preservation. Click to book an appointment.

Nationally Certified Therapeutic Massage (NCMT)
Advanced Lymphatic Therapist (LDT, MLD)
Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT)

My curiosity about the lymphatic system started at age seven. I vividly remember watching my mom care for my grandfather who had edema issues in his legs. She was trained as his caregiver to do lymphatic massage and bandaging for him daily. I watched her work her magic! I was fascinated by how she could move this fluid with her hands and how much better he would be after treatment. The bandaging was even more interesting - the multiple layers that had to be applied with precise tension was amazing! Little did I know, then, that caring for the lymphatic system would be my passion. Who knew? My mom knew - years later she gave me a box of my grandfather's bandages, gauze, and tape because she knew I loved it so much.

I began my professional career as a massage therapist in 2007, 28 years later after those early experiences. I continued my education and received my National Certification in Therapeutic Massage (NCMT) in 2009. In 2011 I began taking courses for lymphatic drainage therapy (LDT) with the Chikly Institute. I was hooked. I completed more advanced training in Lymphatic Drainage Therapy (LDT) through the Chikly Institute for several years. Later, I was also certified through the Vodder School International for manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) in 2019. I have evolved my professional practice to specialize in Lymphatic Drainage Therapy and have continued my education through Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy and received my certification as a Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT) (2021). I am all in!

I work with clients who have autoimmune disease, chronic venous insufficiencies, lipedema, lymphedema, pre- and post-operative treatments, and those with general health concerns. Lymphatic drainage treatments are beneficial for everyone.  

Important news from Nancy - January 21, 2024

Dear Clients,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to share some exciting news about an upcoming chapter in my journey with lymphatic therapy. As many of you know, my passion for this field has been a driving force in my professional life, and I have dedicated myself to learning how to harness its healing power to improve overall quality of life.

I am thrilled to announce that I will be joining the esteemed MK Wound and Limb Preservation team. MK Wound and Limb Preservation is the premier wound care clinic in our region, and I am honored to spearhead their efforts to incorporate lymphatic therapies into their comprehensive approach to patient care. This move represents a significant step forward in my goal to contribute to healing as part of a clinical team.

I invite you to join me on this exciting new journey. By doing so, you will continue to receive the same level of commitment and dedication from me, now complemented by the support of a top-tier clinical team specializing in wound care. MK Wound aligns perfectly with my values, emphasizing compassionate, patient-centered wound care that prioritizes empathy, excellence, and empowerment. I am pleased to inform you that all my lymphatic services will now be exclusively offered through MK Wound.

This change is designed to afford me more autonomy and time to better serve your lymphatic needs. You can reach me at the following contact information:

MK Wound and Limb Preservation
10346 East Stonegate Lane
Suite 100
Wichita, KS 67206
Phone: 316-910-0024

Please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition for all of you.

Sincerely Yours,

Nancy Korroch

*Letter updated March 8, 2024